Originally, I had intended for this strip to be about forgiveness, with Father Gabriel on his knees praying to God for forgiveness. But one day while on Instagram, I found the following quote by Saint John of Kronstadt, who is one of my favorite saints, and thought it was just perfect.
Why did the Lord give me life? So that I could give my heart to God for purification and self control. Remember this and correct yourself. ~St. John of Kronstadt
Such a beautiful quote that just fills my heart with God’s love, and how much wisdom and love he bestows upon His saints! Glory to God!
The more comic strips of Father Gabriel I do that more I am loving it. For now, I am doing all the art on My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 using an app called Artecture by Samsung. It’s a free drawing and painting app and it’s been such a joy to use on my phone. For the lettering and layout, I use Gimp. I am still planning on using Krita for future strips, but until I get more familiar with that software I’ll be using Atecture for the time being. Besides, one of the benefits of drawing with my phone is that I have it with me everywhere I go and can sketch whenever I have free time.
Until next time! 🙂