Father Gabriel and the Old Man

Published: January 5, 2019

Joseph, a lonely elderly man who has lost all hope of living ever since the death of his beloved life.


Father Gabriel and the Old Man (Part 4)

Published: January 5, 2019

As Joseph takes a trip to Hawaii to visit his home town, he visits the local Orthodox Church and meets a familiar face.


Father Gabriel and the Old Man (Part 3)

Published: January 5, 2019

As Joseph makes a full recovery and leaves the hospital, he finds love and happiness in a new family.


Father Gabriel and the Old Man (Part 2)

Published: January 5, 2019

As Joseph gets to know Father Gabriel, his life begins to change which also effects the people around him.


Father Gabriel and the Old Man (Part 1)

Published: July 29, 2018

Meet Joseph, a lonely elderly man who has lost all hope of living ever since his wife past away a couple of years ago.


Sara at the Monastery (Part 3)

Published: March 24, 2018

Father Gabriel takes Sara and her parents to the monastery. But what was supposed to be an overnight stay, became a two week pilgrimage that changed Sara’s life forever.


Sara’s Journey

Published: March 24, 2018

Sara, an ordinary teenage girl living in the 1940’s who meets Father Gabriel and her life changes forever.


Sara Meets Father Gabriel (Part 2)

Published: December 29, 2017

Sara finally meets Father Gabriel and through his loving words and wisdom, begins to change her life and the life of her parents.


Father Gabriel’s Guardian Angel

Published: November 16, 2017

Each of us is assigned a guardian angel, who guards, protects and guides us all our life.


Sara’s Journey (Part 1)

Published: November 4, 2017

Meet Sara, an ordinary teenage girl living in the 1940’s. This is the beginning of her journey as she meets Father Gabriel for the first time and her life changes forever.


The Desires of our Hearts

Published: September 6, 2017

We all pray for various things, but God doesn’t always give us what we pray for.


Father Gabriel Falls

Published: July 2, 2017

In life, we all fall. In life, we all make mistakes. It’s all part of being human.


Father Gabriel’s Courage

Published: May 31, 2017

Let us be brave warriors, let us go through life with without fear, for Christ is with us. And if Christ us with us, who can be against us?


Father Gabriel’s Love for Animals

Published: May 22, 2017

Animals are a gift from God, for they benefit and enrich our lives in many ways.


Father Gabriel’s Kindness to the Elderly

Published: May 8, 2017

They too need to be loved. They too need someone to talk to, someone to laugh with and someone to share their lives with.


Отац Гаврило даје срце Богу

Published: May 1, 2017

Епизода 3: Зашто ми је Господ дао живот?


Father Gabriel Gives His Heart to God

Published: May 1, 2017

Why did the Lord give me life?


Дарежљивост оца Гаврила

Published: April 26, 2017

Епизода 2: Они су игнорисани и заборављени. Немају ни љубав ни трунку наде.


Father Gabriel’s Generosity

Published: April 26, 2017

They are ignored and forgotten. They are without love and hope of any kind.


Молитвени живот оца Гаврила

Published: April 26, 2017

Епизода 1: Оцу Гаврилу, молитва је попут дисања. Без молитве, нема живота.


Father Gabriel’s Prayer Life

Published: April 26, 2017

Father Gabriel prays all the time. To him, prayer is like breathing. Without a prayer life there is no life.



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