Orthodox Christian Cartoons and Comics
Enjoy Orthodox Christian entertainment for the entire family. You will find a wide variety of original content such as animated cartoons, comics and graphic novels. All content contains Orthodox Christian themes, beliefs and values. My hope is that Christians, as well as non-Christians, will find much joy and entertainment from the cartoons and comics that I have created.
If you enjoy my cartoons and comics, please share with your friends and families. Thank you!
Animated Cartoons
Watch family-friendly Orthodox Christian animated cartoons and short films.

Father Gabriel’s Blessing
Father Gabriel gives his blessing to all who ask. But one young man's pride, hesitance and fear becomes a stumbling block for him to receive a blessing.

Father Gabriel’s Chapel
Follow Father Gabriel as he goes to his tree chapel to venerate the holy icons and to pray to Lord Jesus Christ.

Joshua and the Jesus Prayer
Joshua applies the Jesus Prayer throughout his day, from when he wakes up in the morning to when he goes to sleep at night.
Orthodox Christian comics and graphic novels. All available online to read. My Christian Comics are either one-shot or will span to multiple parts, depending on the story. Stories usually have Orthodox Christian themes, beliefs and values, and are accompanied by Bible verses or quotes from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Christian church.

Father Gabriel and the Old Man
Joseph, a lonely elderly man who has lost all hope of living ever since the death of his beloved life.

Sara’s Journey
Sara, an ordinary teenage girl living in the 1940’s who meets Father Gabriel and her life changes forever.

The Desires of our Hearts
We all pray for various things, but God doesn't always give us what we pray for.
Comic Strips
These are one to three panel strips similar to old fashion newspaper strips. All available online to read. My comic strips have Orthodox Christian themes, beliefs and values, and are accompanied by Bible verses or quotes from the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Christian church.

Correct with Humility and Love
Never seek to correct each other with anger, but only with humility and sincere love.

There is more mercy in God than there are sins in us. Confess your sins at once.

A Meek Soul and Heart
God rejoices only because of a calm, gentle and meek soul and heart.
Nick's Blog
Posts consisting of latest news, behind the scenes images and videos of my projects. Occasionally I will also post my sketches and works-in-progress.

Making of “Father Gabriel’s Blessing”
Go behind the scenes and learn how I created and animated the characters and how I built the world that they exist in.

Making of “Confession”
Watch a time lapse video of the drawing process while speaking about my ideas and thoughts behind this my comic strip.

Making of “A Meek Soul and Heart”
Watch a time lapse video of the drawing process while speaking about my ideas and thoughts behind this my comic strip.
Stay up to date with my projects. You will get an email notification when new content is posted. Stay as long as you’d like. Unsubscribe anytime.
Cartoons and comics on this website will always be free. But if you would like to support my work, you can leave a tip or a donation. It is not required but appreciated. Thank you!
Have questions about me? About my cartoons and comics? About IKONiMATION? Get answers to your questions here.